a weekly update from jon and sami lilley to your very own computer screen
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
Weeks 14-15 Goodbye SoCal
Ok, so I'm a tad late in this update. But, hey, it just goes to show how awesome Christmas was!
Weeks 14 and 15 - This was our time to savor the flavor of San Diego, and enjoy our final days with our dear friends. Michelle and Aaron
Uher, The Martinelli family, Mom, Lauren, TJ.
One night we went to the botanical gardens for a Christmas lights festival: with songs, hot mulled wine, marshmallows, fire, and of course, Santa. Matt Hunt came into town and joined us for some surf and sun. We had our final bible study at the Martinelli's, our final Sunday service at The Fields, our final walk on the beach, our final stroll down Neptune.
It was wonderful. It was perfect. You all have been so wonderful to us. Thank you for welcoming us into
your little paradise.
Austin, here we come! (after two weeks in Dallas of course)
P.S. A MAJOR PRAISE is due to God for working a miracle of bureaucratic proportions! THE DAY BEFORE, yes that's right, THE DAY BEFORE we left the state of California opted to grant us temporary registration of the Prius and promised us the title and license will come to us in the mail when the trial is over! Three months we have waited with a car in the garage, and the day before we leave we get a call for the investigator. Amazing.
Well, four weeks later I realize our blog is well overdue!
It's been fun, and we have PLENTY of pictures! I want to first introduce you to some people we have come to know and love -
The Martinellis - This is a family that we met from our church who lead our bible study. They are awesome, have 4 kids (one just born!). Think the italian american version of the Winns. Dave has been a solid leader, and Diane has been so funny and inviting. The kids are so much fun. They have really made us feel wlelcome and loved.
Michelle and Aaron Uher - These two are newly married, very fun-loving, and a blast to get fish tacos with. we carpool together to bible study because we are awesome like that. Just as Sami predicted, we met some AWESOME people and are really gonna miss them. One of the toughest things about this trip is saying goodbye to our new friends.
I will give you the cliff notes and make it easy on all of us:
Week 9 - Scripps Birch Aquarium
This week we enjoyed the neat, but inexpensive alternative to Sea World - The Aquarium! Many incredible marine life there, including starfish, jellyfish, sharks, giant sea bass, sea horses, and sea dragons (my stinkin camera died before we got a shot of these amazing little guys.)
Imagine a week of walks on the beach, beautiful sunsets, and a chill starting to come at night. Simple. Awesome. Ooh and we saw several dolphins this week! One night the sunset sky was so clear we could see the large channel islands off the west coast. I can't leave out that we went sea kayaking in La Jolla Cove with the seals all around us! Wow, they are cool, large animals and so graceful in the water. On our way in we surfed the small waves in the kayak...so fun, much flipping.
Not one, but TWO thanksgiving dinners. It was awesome. Round 1 was with Ham. Three days later Round 2 featured the Turkey. Yummy in my tummy. Thank you Lord for food and family and friends and love. click here to see more photos of this week
Week 12 - USS Midway Aircraft Carrier
Sami and I toured the newly retired USS Midway aircraft carrier. Some adjectives to describe the day: big, HUGE, amazing, powerful, fast, old, historic, humbling, scary, intense, cool, intimidating, grey, water, boat, jets, propellers, copters, runway, deck, admiral, corporal, private, navy, awesome. click here to see more photos of this week
Week 13 - Christmas Parade
Encinitas held a Christmas Parade down the 101 main street. It was the classic small town parade (think little leagues, hardware stores, and family fun holiday goodness).